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A lecturer, Venthan, has been accused in a murder case involving a female student from a private college. All evidence and witnesses seem to be neatly stacked against him, pointing towards his entrapment. Vijay, Venthan`s childhood friend and now a young lawyer, feels compelled to help free his old friend from such serious accusations. The journey towards upholding truth and absolute freedom is not an easy one when power, money, and manipulation become the main chess pieces. It becomes Vijay`s personal responsibility to use all his wisdom to liberate Venthan from these grave charges.

135 mins
Opening On:
1 Aug 2024

Content Warning

This movie is rated 18 and age-restricted.
You must be aged 18 years and above to watch this movie, as it contains element that are suitable for mature audiences only.
I hereby acknowledge that i am 18 years old and above


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